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Halifax based // Singer

                      // Songwriter

                     // Producer

                    // Teacher


Genre // Nostalgic Folk

          // Folk Nostalgique



Bilingual chanteuse, songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist and educator Laura Rae dances between languages and genres, sounding like Metric met Fleetwood Mac in a Folklore forest.


Since releasing her first single, Laura has been nominated for Music Nova Scotia’s New Artist Recording of the Year 2022 for "Didn't Know", Prix de l'Acadie 2023 for Chansons pour ma grand-mère, and has taken home bronze for Halifax The Coast Best Folk Artist 2022.


Her current project, ​Sad Songs, explores various genres, leaning into rock drums on songs like "Nothing Lasts Forever" and bowed stand-up bass on "House we called Home". 


Laura’s solo show includes acoustic guitar, piano, and loop pedal to accompany her original songs. With the band, Brandon Mooney plays electric guitar, adding texture and ambiance, Alex Keoughan weaves melodies with his bass and Mark Murphy on drums brings a little bit of rock n’ roll to the set.

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Chanteuse, écrivaine, réalisatrice, multi-instrumentaliste et enseignante Laura Rae danse entre les genres musicaux, tant influencée par Norah Jones que par Fleetwood Mac. Comme elle ne vit pas dans un seul genre musical, elle ne vit non plus une seule langue. Parfois ses chansons sont traduites, parfois elle en écrit juste en français.

En 2022, elle a été nominée aux Prix Music Nova Scotia pour New Artist Recording of the Year, et a remporté bronze pour The Coast Halifax Best Folk Artist.


Après avoir sorti 4 chansons en anglais, Laura Rae a présenté son premier album, Chansons pour ma grand-mère, qu’elle a co-réalisé avec Gabrielle Papillon.


​Nothing Lasts Forever est le premier d’une collection de chansons tristes qui sortira au cours de l’année prochaine. ​


from the press//médias 

May 10 2024: Songwriters from Here and Away, The Pink Piano, Sackville, NS

April 26 2024: The Nest, Single release show with Blue Acres, Halifax, NS

April 4 2024: HER songs, New Scotland Brewing, Dartmouth, NS

March 24 2024: JUNOFEST Music Declares Emergency Stage, Halifax, NS

Nov 23, Dec 14, Jan 18, Feb 22 2024: HER songs, New Scotland, Dartmouth, NS

November 18 2023: Order of St George Dinner reception, Halifax, NS

November 2 2023: Nova Scotia Music Week, Vitrine Officielle, Yarmouth, NS

October 20 2023: Ramblers, Halifax, NS

September21, October 19 2023 : HER songs, New Scotland Brewing, Dartmouth, NS

August 13 2023: Acadie Rock, Moncton, NB

August 12 2023: Blacktop Ball, The Ponds, NS

July 16 2023: Sofa Sundays, Avon River Heritage Museum, Avondale, NS

July 15 2023: Journées Acadiennes (Résidence d’écriture), Grand-Pré, NS

July 7 2023: Tunes by the Tracks, Alderney Gate Public Library, Dartmouth, NS

May 21 2023: Grady’s, Moncton, NB

May 20 2023: Heron’s Nest, Charlo, NB

May 6 2023: The Carleton, East Coast Music Awards, Halifax, NS

April 6 2023 : The Carleton, Halifax, NS (SOLD OUT)

March 25 2023: Le Richelieu, Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie, Clare, NS

March 10 2023: Nook & Cranny, Truro, NS

February 4 2023: New Scotland Brewing, Dartmouth, NS

December 4 2022: Evergreen Festival, Halifax Jazz Fest, Halifax, NS

November 5 2022: Governor’s Pub, Nova Scotia Music Week, Sydney, NS

November 4 2022: The Highland Arts Theatre, Nova Scotia Music Week, Sydney, NS

October 20 2022: The Carleton, Opening for Kristen Martell, Halifax, NS

October 7 2022: Blueberry Jam Harvest Series, Mabou, NS

24 septembre2022: Francofest avec Louis-Jean Cormier, Dartmouth, NÉ (Hurricane cancellation)

September 10 2022: Farm Fest, Cook’s Brook, NS

August 10 2022: Au Bootlegger, Bathurst, NB

August 5 2022: The Nook and Cranny Brewpub, Truro, NS

July 30 2022: New Scotland Brewing, Dartmouth, NS

July 22 2022: Songwriters Circle au Féminin, Raveston, Chéticamp, NS

July 8 2022: Cavendish Beach Music Festival, Cavendish, PEI

June 25 2022: High Tides Arts Centre, Maitland, NS

June 24 2022: 5 à 7 Saint Jean (CCGH), HopYard, Halifax, NS

May 21 2021 : New Scotland Brewing, Dartmouth, NS

December 16 2021: Gahan House, Halifax, NS

November 13 2021: Hopyard, Halifax, NS

November 4 2021: Gahan House, Halifax, NS

September 11 2021: The Ancient River Festival, Shelburne, NS

"In a year of strong Halifax releases, Rae’s seven-song offering might well take the cake. Hearing the Ottawa-raised, Halifax-based singer-songwriter’s first French-language collection for the first time is like watching the year’s first snowfall from a firelit living room, or finding your favourite artist’s LP in the assorted bin. From “Danser à la radio” to “Suivre mon coeur,” the 2022 bronze winner for The Coast’s reader-selected Best Folk Artist holds her listeners’ attention with a tender hand, and begs for a rewind." - Martin Bauman, The Coast Halifax

"The emerging singer-songwriter’s seven-track album feels like a lost EP from Feist’s early days—if the “Mushaboom” singer went en français for a minute. But don’t worry if your own bilingualism isn’t up to snuff: Rae’s soft-as-cotton songs are a spring-weight coat for whoever hears them". - Morgan Mullin, The Coast Halifax 

"What happens when you cross Adele’s theme of 007’s Skyfall with the theme of one of Star’s albums? You get Laura Rae’s “Glimpses of Ghosts” - Alex Cook, The East Mag.

Elle pense aussi à la prochaine génération de créateurs, qui n’est pas souvent encouragée à poursuivre une carrière en arts, jeunes hommes ou femmes confondus. - Melodie Jacquot-Paratte, Le Courrier 

"Glimpses of Ghosts ... is rich in musical integrity, featuring a deep message sung over a piano accompaniment.” - Brandon Mayer, NG Times.


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Laura Rae Music: Singer, songwriter, music teacher, producer -- DARTMOUTH, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA

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